Dodgers vs San Francisco Giants, April 18, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dodger Game vs SF Giants, April 18, 2010
Last Sunday, I entered another world. The world of excellent seats at the Dodger game. I've sat in my cousin's law firm seats before, but these seats (given to my friend Helen by an entertainment world vendor) were fantastic! Helen, Alison, Barbara and I were so excited.

I've always worked in non-profits or public, um, Dodger tickets were nowhere to be found. I was doing a happy dance when I saw that our seats were 7 rows up, between homeplate and the dugout. Sweetness!!!!

Dodger Game vs SF Giants, April 18, 2010
Yeah, onto the food. I started with a Dodger dog $5, fries $4.75, and small soda $3.75. I love me the Dodger Dog. My friend Alison got a Veggie Dog $6.75 and those addicting Garlic Fries $6.75.

No, they don't see these at the Stadium... Bottega Louie macarons - Dodger Game vs SF Giants, April 18, 2010
Bottega Louie macarons. No, they don't have a stand at Dodger stadium...although that would be awesome! My friend Alison picked up this delicious selection of macarons for our 5th inning snack! ;)

Dodger Game vs SF Giants, April 18, 2010
Cute helmet hat ice cream for a nice post-homerun dessert $4.75

Frank McCourt - Dodger Game vs SF Giants, April 18, 2010
$120 tickets get you a seat with a view of Frank McCourt, owner of the Dodgers. Ladies, he is back on the market. Hee hee. Frank and his wife are going through a completely messy divorce. She is asking for $1 million PER MONTH in support! Per month. They have 7 homes and she uses one to go swimming. Yes, a house for swimming.

Manny hitting a home run!!! Dodger Game vs SF Giants, April 18, 2010
After a scoreless 7 innings, the SF Giants were up by one in the 8th. Then, in the bottom of the 8th inning, Manny Ramirez, stepped up to pinch hit. The crowd went crazy...a bunch of fans whipped out their Manny dreadlock hats and wigs when he came up to bat! :)

Of course, Manny hits a 2-run home run to put the Dodgers ahead! Talk about totallllllly exciting.

Woman proposed to Tony - Dodger Game vs SF Giants, April 18, 2010 Dodger Game vs SF Giants, April 18, 2010
A woman proposed to her boyfriend, Tony at the game. We saw it on the big screen. He was pretty shocked, and she had a ring for him. And the photo on the right is former coach, Tommy Lasorda walking by. Yes, my seats were that good.

Dodger Game vs SF Giants, April 18, 2010
Whoo Hoo! Dodgers win 2-1. I doubt I'll be in these seats ever again...but it was a blast!

Thanks Helen for sharing these awesome tickets! And Brian, this post is for you! ;)
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Jen said... [Reply to comment]

i'm impressed that you re-hashed the game. I'm not usually paying attention since i'm too busy eating! :)

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Jen, I had to pay attention because we were so close we could get hit by a foul ball! :) hee hee - mary

kirbie said... [Reply to comment]

Heehee, I love how your post is mainly about the food. When I go to Padres games, I'm all about trying the different food items and restaurants inside. I always miss the highlights of the game cuz I'm busy eating.

jamie said... [Reply to comment]

Ahhh- the good old days! I left the swanky world of excellent Dodgers seats to become a librarian. All in all a worthy trade-off, but this post just made me nostalgic. SO fun! (And yay Tommy LaSorda!)

DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

Your seats look amazing! I love Dodger Stadium, but have never had the seats you did. I did get nice company seats to some Giants games, though...and I'd try to get tickets when the Dodgers were in town :-P Rivalries are always fun!

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

When i saw the macarons, my mouth dropped because I thought you had purchased them at the game LOL!! They are really pretty.

The hot dog meal looks yummy! I've been craving a good hot dog.

This lady here is not interested in that Dodger coach. I would rather have his wife LOL! I'm sure some straight/bi women or gay/bi men would be interested, though. He looks handsome.

You had great seats, indeed! Even though I'm not crazy about baseball, I would have been beyond excited to be there.

vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

i love my baseball. i'm supposed to root for the red sox and all, but my love for them damn yankee's runs deep.

Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

I never noticed Manny's butt before until that pic you took... really *perky* eh? :)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Ahhhh Manny. We enjoyed his antics for many years in Boston, glad he's still as entertaining on the west coast :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

So what you're saying is I should ask for the Jose Canseco size steroids helmet full of ice cream...

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Hey, I was at that game! Probably at the same level as you, but over behind home plate.

Ginger said... [Reply to comment]

I was at that game too! I was in the all-you-can-eat bleachers section. My kindergarten class won a fundraiser at my school and we all got to go to the game. For most it was a first game so what a game to see! Go Dodgers!

PS I love their garlic fries and Dodger cap ice cream :)

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