Orange-Ricotta Pound Cake Bundt with Marmalade Glaze
Bust out your library card and celebrate National Library Week with me! This is the 2nd annual celebration on the Food Librarian blog. Sometimes, I just gotta put the Librarian in the Food Librarian!
I know you are probably reading this on your own computer, but did you know that nearly 1/3 of the U.S. population over the age of 14 used the library's internet computers? As more companies only allow online applications (even if the job doesn't use computers), free internet access at the public library is one of our essential services.
I hope you take some time out this week to celebrate libraries and the library staff. Libraries are special places where you can find a book, DVD, music, story time, job announcements, research assistance, and free internet access. Stop by to enjoy a seminar, join a knitting group, or get help learning about your genealogy.
This is the Librarian Action Figure (modeled after real-life librarian and author Nancy Pearl).
Don't laugh. How many other occupations have their own action figure?!
Sadly though, the only action this librarian does is raise her arm to Shush. Sigh.
Of course I start the week with a Bundt. No. Big. Surprise. I now live close to a Bristol Farms (California grocery store that is really pretty and really expensive). Last winter I picked up their free magazine. And what caught my eye? Oh, yes, the Bundt on the Cover.
This bundt is easy to make and uses ricotta cheese. It is the first time I'm using ricotta in baking, and not a lasagna.
I'm having 5 days of giveaways during National Library Week!
To celebrate Day 1 of National Library Week, I'm giving away the following to one lucky winner:
a. Lauren Chattman's book: Cake Keeper Cakes: 100 Simple Recipes for Extraordinary Bundt Cakes, Pound Cakes, Snacking Cakes and Other Good-To-The-Last-Crumb Treats
b. Chef Set Page Tags

Chef Set Page Tags (purchased from Girl of All Work) Aren't these the cutest flags ever? You can decorate your cookbook with these post-it notes.
To enter the Day 1 Giveaway, simply leave a comment below (one entry per person) and I'll pick the winner from a hat (aka Random). Deadline: Monday, April 19, 2010 at midnight PDT. If your comment isn't linked to a blog where I can find you, please leave your email. Shipping to U.S. addresses only. Librarian action figure not included.
Good luck with the giveaway and come back tomorrow as we continue to celebrate National Library Week! - mary the food librarian
Recipe: Orange-Ricotta Pound Cake with Marmalade Glaze
Click here for printable recipe
Adapted from Lauren Chattman's book, Cake Keeper Cakes: 100 Simple Recipes for Extraordinary Bundt Cakes, Pound Cakes, Snacking Cakes and Other Good-To-The-Last-Crumb Treats
Find out if your library has it here.
In the headnote, Laren Chattman says grapefruit zest and marmalade can be substituted
3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1 t salt
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temp
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups whole-milk ricotta cheese
3 large eggs, room temp
1/4 cup fresh orange juice (for me, that was one orange)
1 1/2 t vanilla extract
1 1/2 t orange zest (I used the zest of two oranges)
1/2 c orange marmalade (I bought mine at Trader Joe's)
2 t water
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Prep a 12-cup Bundt pan. (This is a big cake...Bristol Farm's magazine used the Bavaria Nordic Ware Bundt pan but that is a 10-cup pan. I didn't want to bake it in two pans so I used the original, classic 12-cup Bundt.)
2. Combine together: flour, baking powder and soda, and salt in a bowl. Set aside.
3. With the paddle attachment, cream together the butter and sugar at medium-high until light and fluffy (about 3 minutes).
4. Add ricotta cheese and beat until smooth.
5. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well. Scrap down sides of batter after each egg.
6. Beat in orange juice, vanilla and orange zest.
7. With mixer on low, slowly add the flour mixture. Scrap down the sides a few times. After the last addition, mix for 30 seconds on medium speed...but don't overmix.
8. Pour batter into greased and floured (I use Pam with Flour spray) Bundt pan. Bake on the middle rack until golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean. It took my cake 55 minutes at 325 degrees. The instructions say "about 1 hour and 10 minutes" so please check early.
9. Cool cake in the pan for 15 minutes than depan onto a cooling rack. Cool completely before applying glaze.
10. For the glaze, heat the marmalade and water in a saucepan until everything is liquid. Brush it over the cake - I used a brush to coat the entire cake, but you can also just place on top and let it run down the sides. Let glaze cool before serving.
11. Like her book suggests, keep the cake in the Cake Keeper! Since I bring mine to work, it is gone by the afternoon.
i love it!! i think i ll have to get sosme ricotta just for this...though ricotta s prety steep here...maybe i ll figure out how to make it home..hmmmmm =)
That Bundt cake looks marvelous! A lovely giveaway. A pity it is closed to non US residents...
I just bought this book for a fellow blogger in a cookbook swap and I loved how simple the recipes were. And that they didn't need a frosting to make them good. I would love a copy of my own!
i want to make the grapefruit version
That cake looks delicious.
Love your yummy looking cake...
I love orange in cakes and desserts... just did Zesty Chocolate Brownies n Orange Cookies for Easter...
The Variable - Nachiketa
Crazy Over Desserts - The Variable, Nachiketa
Yay! National Library Week! I'm a school librarian. I run into my students at the public library all the time and they always look shocked! 8-]
I love anything orange - this looks delicious!
Thanks for the giveaway!
the.k.krew at gmail dot com
Thank you for the opportunity for your giveaway!
Happy National Library Week to you. We are having a staff breakfast this morning. I made breaffast casserole in muffin tins, but now I wish I'd made a yummy cake.
That cake looks tasty!
This cake looks good !
Looks yummy! Happy Nat'l Library Week!
That cake looks great.
Yay! I have been looking forward to National Library week! I need to do something nice for my friendly GU librarians this week. Maybe I should bake them this cake? It looks fabulous and I have a big tub of ricotta in my fridge.
I haven't been to Bristol Farms in years, but I have very fond memories of eating lunch there with my grandmother. Cake Keeper Cakes is a great book! I received it for Christmas and I love it.
Thanks for the yummy looking recipe. I just bought a new bundt pan so looking forward to breaking it in!
I love that you're celebrating library week! When I was in elementary and middle school I'd hang out at the library EVERY day after school. It was my second home.
Also the cake looks beautiful!
First! I would love to have that cookbook and the adorable flags. Pick me
I love public libraries, and I would love to win that cookbook! I made the Nutella pound cake from it and it was awesome.
bundts and books...two of my favorite things!
Yum, this cake looks so moist and delicious! Happy National Library Week!
OH, there is a Bundt involved. I am in.
Ricotta is just great in cakes and this one looks very yummy. I was also going to ask you about the National Bundt cake day. Will you feature one month of new Bundt cakes again? I know it is still some month away but I just loved it so much last year.
Yea for Librarians and Libraries! This cake looks amazing! Pound cake and marmalade, what a combo.
This cake looks perfect!
I can't enter because I'm in the UK, but I just wanted to say how much I love that there's a librarian action figure! :) I use our local library constantly, I must have borrowed all of their cookbooks over the last few months.
Your cake looks gorgeous, I don't know why we don't see many bundt cakes over here, they're so much prettier than a regular round or square cake.
One of my FAVORITE places to go is the library. I am like a kid in a candy store.
My brother exclusively uses the library for his internet access. Who knew he was one of so many.
Your cake looks great and i love you librarian action figure :)
Happy library week! I heart my library big time. My daughter and I have both been sick this past week and I've sent my husband there to fetch books and movies at least 4 times this past week.
That cake looks scrumptious, even though I am not a fan of ricotta. Whenever I am supposed to use ricotta, I swap it out for small curd cottage cheese. Do you think that would work in this cake?
I heart your action figures! I remember them from last year and I love them. I would totally feel smarter w/ one next to me :)
I've got two librarians for sisters. National Library Week is big!
looks wonderful! i would love to work at a library...i love books more than anything!
YAY! I need more cookbooks! (PS. I should totally win. I'm a librarian, I cook, AND I have 2 of the Nancy Pearl action figures)
Looks beautiful! also, I go to the library almost every week :)
I love your giveaways and library week! It is so fun.
I also love that librarian figurine- so cool!
This bundt looks delicious.
I would love to win a copy of this book. I have it flagged at my local library but they haven't got a copy yet.
Amy Kathryn
What a gorgeous cake, and that book sounds fantastic.
Happy National Library Week! Good cake to celebrate it with. :)
That looks delicious...I'm going to have to make do with crackers at the moment though :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy National Library Week from a fellow librarian! Love your blog and your bundts ;)
mmm, that looks delicious. and i love your use of the library action figure. i have a jane austen action figure in my office. she has a sweet writing desk. i hope you enjoy this special week!
Love the cake and I love the library:) I go every Friday!
Happy National Library Week! Thanks for the giveaways; today's prize looks awesome :)
wow che delizia!
as a future librarian and amateur baker, your blog is one of my favorites! i will definitely try this bundt!
i need to get me a bundt pan because that sounds delicious! i generally use ricotta in pancakes and love the added airy fluffiness it gives!
Yay! Cake and giveaway! It is like a party!
Love it !
I just found your blog last week when I was looking for new recipes to feed my bundt addiction. Thanks for the inspiration!
Beautiful! Is this a favorite bundt?
That bundt looks fantastic. I am making more bundts these days. They are so easy and they don't need FROSTING!!!
All of yours are wonderful. Keep it up.
L.O.V.E. the librarian action figure! and the little flags. Although, knowing myself, I would only use the dessert ones!
Love the bundt too! I'm making one this weekend!
Seriously, that cake looks amazing! And I have some ricotta cheese that needs to get used up....
I love the idea of this cookbook! It's always annoying when a beautiful cake ends up stale.
I've made muffins with ricotta, so I can tell this will be good. (But can I please have the action figure instead of the cake?)
I'm happy to celebrate librarians, and libraroes, and you. My life is immeasurably enriched by all three. (BTW, I was a librarian in college - kind of sort of - for a small private collection and my favorite thing about it was that the card catalog was handwritten and I got to file my penmanship with some very very old entries!
Hooray -- i've been looking forward to Library Week all year! :)
I love my local library! My library card practically has holes in from all of the use. Oh, and lovely bundt!
I am a librarian and work with many more - happy national library week!
Happy Library Week!
I'm a lurker on your blog, but would love to enter this giveaway :)
Your cake looks amazing. I've never baked something sweet with ricotta too. I need to go buy some ricotta now. Happy National Library week! I love libraries. I spent most of my childhood in libraries reading books, checking out books, doing the summer reading program. There's this quote written in front of my local library back home that is one of my favorites of all time, I don't know if you've come across it: "I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. ~Jorge Luis Borges"
That bundt looks amazing! I recently canned a bunch of marmalade so this will be a great way to put it to use. That cake cookbook is something I will definitely be checking out soon!
Happy National Library Week! I just finished my MLS, but I'm still waiting to get that elusive first full time library job...
I love my local branch. They are small but very active and so helpful and nice. This is a lovely give-away.
Oh what a great giveaway.. One can never had too many cook books
I'm a librarian and baker. I would love to try some of the recipes in the book.
Hi Mary- Happy library week! As the proud sister of a librarian (and a happy library patron), I'm feeling the love. Also the love of bundt cakes-- I made the Greek yogurt lemon one for Easter this year. Pretty and delicious!
I really enjoy your blog! Bring on those Bundt cakes!!!
Thats an awesome looking bundt!
I love the cake and the shout-out to librarians! It's been a blast following your blog :)
This bundt has some serious flavor in it! Love the orange infusion. Citrus just goes so well in bundts!
Awesome giveaway!
Delicious looking cake and Happy Library Week to you. Hope you are having a big librarian party!
I don't know how I would have gotten through high school without library computers. And that bundt cake looks soooo good. I could use a nice cake cookbook, too :) Happy library week!
I love that book, the recipes are so reliable and being obsessed with Bundt Cakes it's just perfect. I made this awhile ago but swapped the ricotta for buttermilk and added some dried cranberries I'm sure using ricotta would probably have made for a richer cake, but it was tasty anyway.
Your glaze looks amazing.
this is so attractive and so SPRING! i've never used ricotta in a pound cake, but it's a terrific idea.
this looks delicious. I like recipes with ricotta1
I have never used ricotta in a cake or anything that I baked other than lasagna either. I can't wait to try it. Thanks for the recipe, the yummy pictures, and the giveaway.
Wow, I would love to win...but plan on making the cake anyway!
I'm in charge of distributing 42 lbs of candy at my library for national library week. I'd much rather eat a piece of this cake instead.
Can you send cake with the cookbook pretty please?
I'd love to celebrate National Library Week with a new cookbook!
Omg, it sounds delicious! Just discovered this blog and will definitely have to re-visit. I'm all for food and libraries! (I'm an archivist. :))
I love Bundts and libraries!
Oooh that cake looks wonderful! And is there anything better with National Library Week than cake? No!
You post reminded me that I have an overdue book laying on my nightstand. I better get myself to the library to return it! Yikes!
You're amazing! A true librarian superhero indeed. Not only do I love cake, libraries, and labels, I'm now inspired to celebrate National Library Week with appropriate fanfare. I think I will go on a feltboard making marathon.
Thanks for the ideas.
I think I will use this recipe to make my third ever bundt! Great giveaway :)
YUM! Please enter me!
jpetroroy at gmail dot com
let me win!
local_honee at yahoo dot com
Yum! Love reading your blog!
Whoa! You mean it's been a whole year since we've seen the librarian action figure?! I can't believe that. It's great to see her, though! The cake looks awesome, usual!
I already own the Nancy Pearl action figure (and have met Nancy Pearl in Milwaukee where she was speaking)so that would be perfect with the recipe.
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Wow that is a great Bundt cake! Great Giveaway too...
I got a cake keeper for my birthday last year, and I need new things to fill it up!
Mary, you most definitely becoming my Bundt Guru! And how generous of you to give away the cookbook!
Yeaaaa!! I remember these giveaways and the librarian miniature last year!! Wow, I've been following you for a long time. the bundt looks beautiful!
every time I make a bundt cake I think of you.
I'm loving this giveaway AND I love that my local library system carries SO many good cookbooks. I don't think most people know you can check out a cookbook. The library has EVERYTHING!
The cake looks delicious! I've got the "baking bug" tonight, and I may have to scour my pantry for the ingredients :-)
I can't believe that I have been following you for a year! Thanks for the recipes and musings! Happy National Library Week!
So after your 30 days of bundts last fall, I asked for a bundt pan for Christmas. And of course one of the first recipes I tried was one from the 30 days: Chocolate marbled banana bundt cake. It was delicious!
Thanks for the inspiration!
This cake is certainly wonderful, just the list of ingredients makes me drool; ricotta adds a lot of moistness and the orange does the rest!
That cake looks yum! :) I think I'm craving it now lol.
angelilee91@gmail dot com
I'm not sure I can adequately express how excited I am that the librarian action figure is back!! Woohoo! Can't wait to see your posts this week :)
I've been staring at that bundt cake for 10 looks fantastic and I think I need to make one this week.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have been drooling over this ricotta bundt cake since I saw it this afternoon...I LOVE ricotta, and I think I need to make this cake...and I think I need this book too, which I'd love to win a copy =P but it's going on my amazon wish list regardless...thanks for stopping by my blog, let me know how the energy bars turn out if you get a chance to make them. They've been very tasty and hit the spot for a mid-afternoon snack to curb the hunger without being too filling. Have a happy National Library Week! I heart my local public library branch--it's got the biggest cookbook section I've ever seen in my life!
Looks beautiful....I want to try it with the grapefruit. :)
Oo! Please include me! (and if I win, I'll give you my recipe for a rather fantastic lemon/ginger/white pepper bundt cake!)
I love the texture and rise on that bundt! I'm not a huge marmalade fan but I'd give this a try.
This cake look so beautiful, also count me in the draw.
Now you are all ready for the next 30 days of bundt!
Happy National Library Week!! This cake looks phenomenal. Love the zest curls!
Love your bundts. I'll have to dig my pan out of hiding
OOOOOOoooh! That looks yummy! Always looking for new recipe to use up my ricotta. Thanks for sharing an the giveaway too!
Happy baking!
This looks great. Perfect for a Sunday brunch!
This is the best giveaway ever I would love to win!
I love the action figure! So cute.
I followed your month of bundt cakes last year; I don't know how you kept it up for a whole month as that's a LOT of cake! This bundt looks delicious. I've been looking for cake recipes that use ricotta or mascarpone so I can figure out how to adapt their use to other cake and bar recipes. The cookbook looks wonderful..I love cakes showcased in pretty cake stands.
2 things: 1. the cake looks INCREDIBLE! 2. Those chef tags are genius. I need some! Well, as if I really need them, but I just really want them now.
Happy Library Week. The Bundt looks great!
Mrsblocko (Comment #28): I don't know if cottage cheese would work. My ricotta was very thick and had no liquid so if you try it, please drain the heck out of the cottage cheese. Good luck and let me know how it works out! - mary the food librarian
Great giveaway! Love the sound of this cake...delish! :)
(Drooling!) Sounds and looks sooo good!
That looks yummy! I've never used Ricotta in baking, but I think I'm gonna have to try it!
I can't enter the giveaway because I'm in Canada, but I wanted to let you know that I made this fantastic cake today - I can barely breathe, it looks so divine, LOL. I posted a photo on my cooking blog - thank you SO MUCH, Mary, for posting this amazing cake - I can't wait for supper so I can have a taste, LOL!! Good luck to everyone in the contest!
I HIGHLY doubt that I'll win these tags, but I MUST HAVE THEM!! Even if I have to buy them. But winning would be suh-weet!! Happy Library Week!! I hope you get extra special goodies and smiles and warm hugs from all your favorite people :)
This looks wonderful! Ricotta is so versatile.
I love the library. I live less than a mile from my local branch and I walk there as much as I can. I'm there at least a few times a month. Go, librarians!
ricotta orange bundt? yum yum!
Happy librarian week! I was thinking of baking something for the library workers at my local library. Who knew this week would be perfect for that?? Thanks for letting us know.
The bundt cake looks amazing. I'm sure you could make it with cream cheese, but ricotta sounds soooo much better.
And I'd love to win that book. Thanks for doing the giveaway! :o)
That action figure is just precious! I love reading your blog and getting ideas for what to make. My email is polinium at gmail
Omg. I NEED those post-its. I'm a self proclaimed post it addict. I NEED IT! Come on Mr. Random Generator. Pick me. Please...
Those page markers sound like a great way to keep recipes oraganized.
YUM! your recipes are always so tasty. love them!
WOOT a cake book giveaway! Can it get better? love the cake Mary. I've yet to use ricotta in a cake yet and this bundt is bursting with fresh flavours! Delicious
This looks delicious! I love reading your blog!
I think I love bundts as much as you! While this one looks great, I'm so anti-ricotta I don't think I could make it. The book however, that I would definetly like!
Love big bundts! pjseeger at
Amazing bundt! Keep up with the updates!
Keep those big bundts coming! Thanks for the giveaway!
i love national library week and i love the look of this book :)
I love to bake and I am a librarian.
Happy School Library Month and Happy National Library Week. Aloha.
I love libraries (and librarians), loved the 30-days of bundts, and I'm looking forward to trying this ricotta recipe. That cookbook looks great!
berkeleyjo at
Love cakes that are complete all by themselves without adding frosting. This one looks oh so delicious!
That looks so delicious!
That cake looks delicious. I especially like the little zesties on top!
I love using ricotta in baking, I'll have to give this recipe a try!
I LOVE the librarian action figures. National Library week sounds great, wonder if we have one of those over here too?
Another baking librarian here to say YUM!
additionproblems [at] gmail [dot] com
The cake looks awesome. I have never heard a ricotta cheese in a cake recipe before. I guess you learn something new everyday.
The recipe looks good and I will try it. I don't know about using ricotta, but I have been making a chocolate cookie recipe using cottage cheese for many years that’s wonderful. Maybe it could be substituted.
Cake Keeper Cakes is a great little book, I'll have to look for this recipe. I made the Pumpkin Poundcake, doubled the recipe for a bundt leaving out the addins, and it was a hit. Also the Quickest Yeast Coffee Cake (not sure of the exact title) and the double chocolate bundt...
Great ideas -- I'm graduating library school next month and you've just given me a terrific idea for my cake!!!
As a recently retired library director, I am thrilled to have found this blog. While I was working I tried to cook at least one new recipe a week, now I can attempt one a day. I just happen to have ricotta in the refrigerator. I also have a Nancy Pearl action figure.
This is wonderful, I can finally get rid off the ricotta my roommate left in the fridge when she went back home!
Just found your site and LOVE it! I'll be back!
I WANT TO WIN! my mum's a librarian and well... she rocks! :)
I love bundt cakes! Great giveaway!
I would love to win this cookbook.
I'm an elementary school library media specialist. I've been having activities for students to celebrate School Library Month and National Library Week. The bundt cake sounds like a nice treat for teachers! Thanks for the recipe!
this cake looks great!
lorisambol at hotmail dot com
i love your bundts!!
here in Brazil we celebrate librarian's day at march 12!
lelinhacastro@ gmail . com
That cake and your photos are totally drool-worthy. Thanks for your blog, I enjoy it so much!
Oh lucky day! ( that I've found this website!) Wow!
Try frozen blueberries in your cake mixed with a few tablespoons of flour, include the zest, bake and then ice with 3 T. of lemon juice and 1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar...
yum.. I just recently got a bundt pan - have to try this recipe
annmao929 at gmail dot com
Your blog is inspirational. We all need a nice treat such as you provide. Thanks.
I finally just bought myself a bundt pan and now I can't stop making bundt cakes! I'm definitely bookmarking this recipe - sounds yummy! And that cake book looks very promising - I may have to check it out even if I don't win the random draw. :)
More bundts! Delicious. :)
My library has that same Nancy Pearl action figue. The kids always ask me why I have a guy picking his nose.
Mmm, this cake looks delish. I need a bundt pan NOW!
I love the library and I love your blog. This cake looks really yummy.
Would love to win the cookbook. Been making homemade cakes for special occasions in the past year.
Wow, the glaze on this bundt looks perfect!
So Mary, umm, can you tell I'm trying really hard to win a NLW free give away? HAH! =)
I love seeing Nancy Pearl rising out of a bundt cake. :D
I love anything with citrus zest so this looks fabulous. It also has a "spring" appeal!
This looks really good! I love bundt cakes too! I will have to make this cake in secret though because the hubble won't touch it if I tell him there's ricotta in it. We'll see if he notices! LOL!
Cake Keeper Cakes has been on my amazon wishlist for ever!
I work at a library and no matter what I make, my coworkers will not eat my goods! They're all on diets or something. :(
These are adorable. I would love to win and be able to use them
Wow, you are going to pick a lot from a hat! I want to win! Gorgeous bundt. I love libraries and always use them. Why pay when you can read for free???
This cake looks delicious. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love making cakes in bundt form.
Reminds me of my childhood.
I love baking with ricotta. Your cake is a beauty.
what a gorgeous looking bundt! i've been on a citrus dessert kick, and this is definitely up my alley.
One of the best pound cakes I have tried! Thanks for sharing this recipe. I have tried making this last night for a little house warming party, and it was definitely at hit during our dessert. It went really well with a cup of hot coffee made from one of my coffeemakers Great post and thanks for sharing !
I just made this yesterday for an event at work. It's pretty good, but even better the second day. Also, I should have checked it at 1 hour, an hour 10 minutes was just a bit too long.
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