National Library Week Day 5 with Sprinkles' Strawberry Cupcakes, Cinnamon Blueberry Muffins and Hello Kitty Giveaway

Friday, April 17, 2009

Food Librarian - Sprinkles Strawberry Cupcakes and Cream Cheese Frosting
Whew! It's the last day of National Library Week!

I made Sprinkles' Strawberry Cupcakes with a strawberry cream cheese frosting. I missed the farmer's market and used frozen strawberries to make the puree. I think fresh would have given more of a strawberry punch.

Food Librarian - Sprinkles Strawberry Cupcakes and Cream Cheese Frosting
I didn't make the Sprinkles' frosting on Martha's website because I wanted to incorporate cream cheese. The frosting was 1 block cream cheese (8 ounces), 1/2 stick butter, 3 cups powdered sugar, 3 T strawberry puree.

Food Librarian - Cinnamon Blueberry Muffin

I also made some Cinnamon Blueberry Muffins (recipe from July 2006/Gourmet on Epicurious). See those brown cupcake holders? Well, you can win a package of them that I picked up at Surfas. How many in that package? 600. Yes, six-hundred. That's a zillion of those little packs you get from the grocery store. If you should win, I hope you either make a ton of cupcakes and muffins or share with others!

Some people have asked if I'm eating all these baked goods myself...oh no! Reason #100293 why the library is a great has lots of hungry co-workers who eat lots of desserts! And yes, this does generate a bunch of goodwill at work. ;)

Today's library thing...programs! Do you like knitting? watching movies? local history? genealogy? selling everything you own on eBay? Perhaps your library has a program about your favorite hobby or interest. Libraries today are reaching out to the community with a plethora of programs for kids, teens, adults and seniors. Most people know about storytime for kids, but did you know that a chess club might be meeting at the library as well? Or a seminar on identity theft? Check out your library's website for a listing of programs and opportunities. You might be surprised that it isn't just storytime anymore!

Food Librarian - National Library Week Hello Kitty Giveaway
Here is today's language lesson: kawaii (ka - wa- EEEEeeeee) is the Japanese word for cute. Since I'm Japanese American, I'm genetically drawn to all things cute. (So that probably explains my obsession with the miniature treats!)
Food Librarian - National Library Week Hello Kitty Giveaway Food Librarian - National Library Week Hello Kitty Giveaway
And what is more kawaii than Hello Kitty?! For today's giveaway, you can win a Hello Kitty stationery pack with 5 different papers and envelopes, candies, pencils and eraser. (Librarian Action Figure and rice (!!) not included)

To celebrate my last day of National Library Week Day 5, I'm giving away the following to one lucky winner:
a. Hello Kitty Assortment of kawaii stationery and candy
b. 600 (six-hundred!!!) brown cupcake holders (2 inch standard)
c. Handmade beaded bookmark (designed by the Food Librarian!)
d. Disneyland book bag

Food Librarian - Cupcake Holder Giveaway
600 pretty brown cupcake holders from Surfas (Librarian Action Figure not included)

Food Librarian - BookmarkFood Librarian - Giveaway during National Library Week

This is your last chance to win! To enter the Day 5 Giveaway, simply leave a comment below (one entry per person) and I'll pick the winner from a hat. Deadline: Monday, April 20, 2009 at midnight PDT. If your comment isn't linked to a blog where I can find you, please leave your email or check back on Tuesday, April 21st to see if you won. Shipping to U.S. addresses only.

Don't forget to enter the daily giveaways to celebrate National Library Week!
Day 1 Giveaway for mini-cake pans, Day 2 Giveaway for mini-loaf pans, Day 3 Giveaway for Trader Joe's Favorites, and Day 4 Giveaway for mini-tart pans. Deadline for all giveaways is Monday, April 20, 2009!

Thank you for visiting my little blog and celebrating National Library Week with me!!! I really enjoyed hearing your library stories - Jen F. cracked me up with: We love ours not only for my crazy book habit, but also for the DVDs for my son--it's a great way to keep up with his ever-changing interests, and as a bonus, we get to get rid of the really annoying DVDs after a week!

Special thanks to my co-workers who loaned me their Librarian Action Figure (Patty, Susan, Andrea, Karen, Jessica and Sue), and my friends who helped make the bookmarks (Agnes, Julie and Sumi)!

Whew. I'm exhausted. Good thing this is only once a year!

What are you still doing here? Get out there and visit your library! :) - mary the food librarian
Pin It!


Nidhi said... [Reply to comment]

Ah! exhausting much baking! Those cupcakes look great! I am wondering if you could have used strawberry preserves (increased quantity than pureed strawberries) and reduced the sugar in your frosting if you wanted more strawberry punch. Anyway, that may have ruined the texture!
I want to thank you for the wonderful giveaways, the fact that you celebrated National Library week with such enthusiasm & sweets;-). You have succeeded in increasing the awareness. I have always admired the library system here in the US. They are an indispensible part of our lives here. My husband & I plan to eventually open at least one library after our retirement when we return to India. To give the gift of books to kids and open the world up is like no other. We had few resources, just the school library when we were growing up and we would exhaust the collection:-).
Thanks again, great job!

Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

MMM, those strawberry cupcakes and the muffins.. not fair to show me all this goodness in the morning..

Heather S-G said... [Reply to comment]

These cupcakes are adorable! You've had such a busy baking week...your library must be a very happy place!

Mary | Deep South Dish said... [Reply to comment]

You have sure been doing some major baking this week. I'll bet that your coworkers are loving you!!!

I think the strawberry cupcakes are my favorite of all the things you made this week.

I knew about storytime at the library but had no idea that there were other programs offered. Will have to check into mine, once they reopen that is.

Thanks for the week of giveaways! What fun. Wish me luck!


slush said... [Reply to comment]

I still have to take my books back. I swear, Ill do it today.

The cupcakes look ah-mazing. Wish I could have one!

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

The cupcakes and muffins look so good! I was going to make sprinkles cupcakes, but I heard bad reviews about them. Yours look really light so I might give them a try!

By the way, in high school, our librarian used to have a huge traffic light that was a little bigger than half the person. Whenever it got too loud, she would start flashing the red light to get everyone to be quiet! At that time, I used to think it was annoying.. but now I love how quiet a library is. I can't stand it when people talk in the library.. haha.. give me earplugs!

Carmen Cooks said... [Reply to comment]

Strawberry cupcakes!!! I can't wait to make them. Gosh I'd be exhausted too if I were you! But I will be making my weekly trip to the library tomorrow, so excited! Thanks for posting all week, such great recipes and reminding us to get to the library and appreciate our great librarians!

Amy said... [Reply to comment]

Now I know exactly what to do with the rest of the strawberries in my freezer!

oneordinaryday said... [Reply to comment]

In between visits to your blog I did visit the library. LOL
Actually, I volunteer and love, love, love my library.
And I love these cupcake liners too.
Thanks for the chance to win them.

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Hello Kitty *and* cupcake papers?! I might not be able to contain my excitement at the thought :) Those muffins look wonderful.

Deeba PAB said... [Reply to comment]

Kawaii...really cute.That's really been a FABULOUS marathon.WOW! Well done indeed.have made the choc cinn pound cake twice & we love it!!

Haley said... [Reply to comment]

Hello Kitty is my favorite!!!

Jen said... [Reply to comment]

What a great giveaway! I love the brown cupcake liners. I used them for my Fauxstess Cupcakes

NikiTheo said... [Reply to comment]

I can't believe all the baking you've done this week! I love strawberry cupcakes! I wish I could just go thru the screen and grab one from you...

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I am really going to miss the librarian action figures. I think they should make special guest appearances on your blog in the future :) Both of those treats sound awesome, but I especially want to try the cinnamon blueberry muffins as I've never seen anything like them. I've been lusting after fun cupcake papers - great giveaway!

emily said... [Reply to comment]

anything with cream cheese frosting and strawberries work for me!

k.a.r.e.n said... [Reply to comment]

your cupcakes are so cute!

Erin said... [Reply to comment]

Having programs at a library is a wonderful thing - I never fully appreciated my public library until I started working there! I always did the book programs, but there really is SO much more to offer. I have taken quilting classes, learned about reptiles, and also had my taxes done - all at the public library! Thanks for a wonderful week!

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

What fantastic week of sweets and fun giveaways Mary --- you outdid yourself!

I've been very curious to try the Sprinkles recipe --- I love those cupcakes at Sprinkle, so am definitely going to try them out at home.

You rock girlfriend! :)

Susan C said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcakes are especially ka-wa-EEEEE (said in a high pitched voice).

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, that Hello Kitty. What a sweetheart.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love your Library week idea! I just found your blog and can't wait to start following you!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! Those cupcakes look great! I envy your coworkers :) Thank you for making such an outstanding effort to let us know about how wonderful libraries are!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Sign me up!

Robin said... [Reply to comment]

Oooh, pick me, pick me!

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

Cupcakes and muffins! You are really spoiling us today! They look incredible! Thanks for a fun week. I have enjoyed all of your posts and Yahoo for the library!

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

Yeah for berries! What cute cupcake liners. You are being so very generous!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said... [Reply to comment]

We are big fans of the kids programs. Altough my daughter got away from my once and ran behind the puppet show. Ms. Dorothy was none too pleased!

Meg said... [Reply to comment]

Mmmm cream cheese frosting is the best.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

If I could live in a library and sleep among stacks of books I would. I really would.

Desiree said... [Reply to comment]

yummy cupcakes! and i love hello kitty. I'm gonna have to try that cream cheese frosting!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

Muffins and cupcakes...hooray! I would be so plump after eating all those!

Because I would. I would eat them all.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

The cinnamon blueberry muffins look great. Arigato gozaimashita for a lovely series of posts. I visit my local library every week and I'm heading there my now: there's nothing like that automated phone call from the library that goes "Our records show that we have something on hold for you." :-)

Sara said... [Reply to comment]

Those cupcakes look yummy! I've been looking for a strawberry frosting recipe that actually works, and this one looks perfect! Yum. :)

Sarah I. said... [Reply to comment]

Your baking skills (and enthusiasm!) truly inspire me. =]

Donna said... [Reply to comment]

To help celebrate National Library Week, I held an open house in my library. I'm in a Special Library, myself. I did not do anywhere near the baking you've done this week for my celebration.

I so envy your food photography skills. I can bake, but nothing I photograph looks as enticing as those photos of your food.

Your co-workers are very lucky to have you and we are so lucky you share your results with us here.

Christine said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you for doing such a sweet week-long giveaway! My old local library partnered up with the LA Opera so there are opera talks there every month. It's great. I've many a happy memory growing up in libraries, helping the librarians stamp "due date" on those big white labels! Thanks for all you do.

Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

My mother would absolutely love those strawberry cupcakes!!!

quynh said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! I've only had Sprinkles Cupcakes once about 2 years ago and they were soooo goood! Your co- workers are so lucky to have someone like you bake them all these goodies :)

caroline said... [Reply to comment]

I didn't know you could make Sprinkles cupcakes! I'm definitely trying it next week!! :)

And the bookmark is gorgeous! Great job!

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

I've made Sprinkles' strawberry cupcakes before. They were pretty good. I filled mine with some store lemon curd. Great idea going with the cream cheese based frosting instead.

Natalie said... [Reply to comment]

wow, i am constantly running out of those stinking cupcake liners. 600 would keep me set for awhile :)

thanks for such a great week of giveaways as well as all the information on libraries. i'm a huge fan of libraries ( what? barnes and noble what?) and am glad you shared with others how much there is to offer! :)

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

Everything is so kawaii! You've inspired me to visit my local library instead of just going to my all-time favorite hangout- B&N.

Can I get a grande iced mocha latte at my library too?

Can I buy a bookmark from you? I love them!

Megan said... [Reply to comment]

What a week! What great giveaways!

I'm dying here - my daughter is a Hello Kitty collector. I have to arm wrestle her out of the Sanrio stores, otherwise she buys everything!

EeineMeanie said... [Reply to comment]

Yummm those cupcakes look so good ^_^

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

The little strawberry cupcakes are adorable. I'm sure everyone at the Library loves when you bring stuff in.

Nichicakes said... [Reply to comment]

Im going to have to deseed some strawberries and make these this weekend!
I was just at our local (to work) library with a friend of mine to pick up something for her daughter. I forgot just how cool libraries are.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

The strawberry cupcakes look fantastic. And so do the muffins. YUM.

Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

I love the programs at our library and I LOVE strawberries!!

This year alone we've attended a Lego building contest, a Native American dance and a history of hip hop dance performance, and while I haven't yet taken it they offer a book repair class that I am dying to take.

Thanks again for all the great contests. Can't wait to make those cinnamon blueberry muffins

Angie said... [Reply to comment]

Just picked up my son from our library's "Teen Cafe" program. I can't say enough about the library.
I enjoy reading about your baking progress. These cupcakes look great- I think I hear some strawberries calling my name!

Coco Cake Land said... [Reply to comment]

hi mary!! holy smokes, happy national library week!!! i love what you're doing with your photography + text, looks super beautiful and professional and still fun... loving the plethora of posts... the strawberry cupcakes look SO YUM.

see you!
lyndsay :)

Miss M.J. Ma'am said... [Reply to comment]

Strawberries sound sooooo good!
Hello Kitty rocks!


Coco Cake Land said... [Reply to comment]

also... i love all things kawaii too... !

Indhu said... [Reply to comment]

I found your blog recently... and have been spending wayyyyyyyyy too much time browsing through your recipes.. just looking at them is making me fat :)

Ashley Nicole. said... [Reply to comment]

I've made those cupcakes before and I wasn't very wowed by them. They just tasted like vanilla cupcakes to me. Sigh. But the cupcake liners look neat. :]

Nancy/n.o.e said... [Reply to comment]

What a cool week: treats, giveaways, and wonderful library reminders. I've had jobs in a public library, a high school library, and a college library. Not to mention the millions of books that we've borrowed over the years. My dad was a used book dealer in his retirement years, so suffice it to say: we love books and libraries too!! I still straighten books up to the front edge of the bookshelves...
Thanks for the cool week.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I stumbled upon your blog via foodgawker, and I am absolutely amazed and beyond hungry at all of the beautiful, delicious food! Yummy!

I am a school librarian, and I am currently holding a month-long celebration for the students at the junior high where I work. They enjoy their daily trivia questions, and I have seen a great amount more traffic because of it!

I love all of the great prizes that you are offering, and would love to win any of them! I have my own Nancy Pearl action figure proudly displayed at work, and the kids are all jealous of her amazing shushing action!!!

I will definitely be back, and not only during National Library Week!


Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

i work at a cupcakery and our strawberry cupcakes always are the serious crowd pleasers. what a fantastic blog you have here...can't stop reading...

LibraryGirl62 said... [Reply to comment]

These cupcakes look great! I got flowers, a cake, brownies and my FAV~a card that plays the "hamster dance" song from my teachers for Library Week. We did the Hamster Dance live on the am announcements~too much fun!

Nikki said... [Reply to comment]

What a great presentation of everything (as always)! I just wish I could reach up in the screen and taste one of the cupcakes. Thanks for baking all this week, and thanks for recognizing national library week!

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

the librarians were getting a little frisky the other day, with those tartlet pans...I expected to seem them full of cosmos or something! It's been so much fun to see what you've been baking and what the shushing sisterhood has been up to...great posts - thanks for the fun!

Nina said... [Reply to comment]

hello kitty!

I love the strawberry cupcakes. I do seem to have a problem with using strawberries though =(

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I just made Sprinkles cupcakes from the mix at Williams Sonoma the other day :) yummy!

karmenlovescupcakes at gmail dot com

Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

Lovely post, yet again! Keep up the great work!

Amy L. said... [Reply to comment]

Yummo cupcakes!

Jana said... [Reply to comment]

The strawberry cupcakes sound awesome! I wrote down the recipe already, will pick up strawberries tomorrow :)

Tiffany said... [Reply to comment]

I actually have a library action figure of my own! I was given it when I left one of my jobs 4 years ago. I worked with librarians and they thought it was funny.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

We have always loved our local and distant libraries and use them extensively--so our love of libraries along with your enticement of mouthwatering chocolate goodies makes this a winning package!


Irene said... [Reply to comment]

You're killin' me, Mary! (a la "you're killin' me, Larry" - the mattress guys. I could just hear his voice in my head when I looked at these strawberry cupcakes!). :)

Dee said... [Reply to comment]

i dont know what to say ...

i want to eat everything pictured here haha

the cinnamon blueberry muffins sound like they are to die for

mmmm ...

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

those cupcakes look like pure perfection (and i'm not even a fan of strawberry cupcakes)! and that bag is just the cutest thing i've ever seen. love your posts, as always.

Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

omgosh SO cute!

Paula Pereira said... [Reply to comment]

Hello, I would love to win because I could really use the cupcake papers because I am making 200 cupcakes for a friend's wedding and I love Hello Kitty, it's just so cute! Thank you for this chance! great blog:)

Celine said... [Reply to comment]

Love strawberries!!!!

The Calvins said... [Reply to comment]

pick me, pick me!

Those cupcakes look delish!!

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

I really enjoy reading your blog, Mary and it's been so much fun the last few days. I'm really loving that librarian action figure!

As you know, we love our library TONS! We are there at least once a week and they offer so much to us. I don't know what I would do without them.

Nice job on the cupcakes. And keep up the EXCELLENT blog!

Jinger said... [Reply to comment]

So much Hello Kitty cuteness! I can only hope that I stand a chance to bring home some goodies. And strawberry cupcakes sound like a great way to start baking for springtime get-togethers.

Zinnia said... [Reply to comment]

oh my goodness...hello kitty AND cupcakes?! a dream come true :)

HannaBanana4511 said... [Reply to comment]

mmm those cupcakes and the muffins look delicious! I have attempted making the sprinkles strawberry cupcakes before, and they werent as pretty as yours but sure were delicious!

sandhya said... [Reply to comment]

the cupcakes looks fantastic... and i love the library system here...

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm those strawberry cupcakes are adorable and delicious looking. The cinnamon blueberry muffins too!

Lulu the Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I don't check your blog for a few measley days, and look what I miss!!! I want those cupcake papers!

--lulu the baker

L said... [Reply to comment]

love the disneyland bag. i'm a sucker for reusable bags

Shari said... [Reply to comment]

With all that cream cheese, those cupcakes would be extra delicious!

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

I would like the cupcake holders, please!! Thank you haha.

Thanks again for the giveaways!

I'm going to try out the strawberry cream cheese icing. Sounds yummy!

Whitney Smith said... [Reply to comment]

The strawberry cupcakes look divine! I'm glad I don't work with you, I would gain so much weight from all the goodies you bake!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi there!
I just discovered your blog. The photos are lovely and I enjoy reading about your cooking/baking process.

Take care,

Laura said... [Reply to comment]

Mmmm...the strawberry cupcakes look so yummy.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I've been reading your blog for a couple weeks now and I keep thinking of my sister who recently moved to L.A. and is now in her second year of teaching second grade AND loves all baked goods.
We keep emailing recipes back and forth, trying to find the ones that we are going to make in the little time we get to see each other. Thanks for wonderful recipes!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

holy delicious cupcakes..great job.
i love love love the ginormous pack of cupcake liners...that would be awesome!!!! what a great blog!!!! excellent job..

Sophie said... [Reply to comment]

Can't hurt to try.

Tina W. said... [Reply to comment]

I'd love to win!

ptinaw at

Cassie said... [Reply to comment]

Oh it would be so exciting to win!

Cassie P.

HannahBanana said... [Reply to comment]

Oh these strawberry cupcakes sound decadent...definitely will be making these. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Mary Jo said... [Reply to comment]

love hello kitty...makes me think of saving up my allowance and using it all at the hello kitty store :) i didn't know surfas had the brown cupcake liners, the owner of vanilla bake shop said she had them specially made, hmm.

Dragon said... [Reply to comment]

These are so pretty!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I wish I had an excuse to bake as much as you do!

Diane said... [Reply to comment]

I love cupcakes and Hello Kitty too!

Diane and Lily

Jami said... [Reply to comment]

Hi! I found your site through JustJENN and I love what I've read so far. Can I ask a quick photography question? Do you use different colored backdrops? Or somehow colorize the background of your photos? I really like the look. I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to photographing my baked stuff! Thanks!

Heather said... [Reply to comment]

I absolutely love the recipes you post! I'm actually about to head to the kitchen and make some of those muffins for breakfast :)

Elyse said... [Reply to comment]

What a fabulous and generous giveaway you're having!! Can we talk about how good your cupcakes look? Amazing, just amazing! I'm on a huge strawberry kick right now, so I'm sorely tempted to skip my classes and head into the kitchen to make these. Oh, and those cinnamon blueberry muffins--divine! Cinnamon is my favorite spice!

Jen said... [Reply to comment]

Mmmm strawberry cupcakes! Too bad I'm the only one in my family that likes cream cheese frosting.. Oh well, can't please them all the time!

greenbean said... [Reply to comment]


xk said... [Reply to comment]

Reading the post I wished Surfas carried brown cupcake papers- I see that they do! I can't buy 600 at a time but winning them would be grand! Gotta try the strawberry cupcakes because your frosting sounds much tastier.

Ellie said... [Reply to comment]

Hope Library Week was a blast! I know we've all enjoyed drooling over your cakes even more than usual this week!

Jen H said... [Reply to comment]

your cakes looks delish! And what a great giveaway!

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

I'm not sure what I have enjoyed more about National Library Week - the recipes or the little librarians in your pictures.

Laurel7221 said... [Reply to comment]

Be lucky to live next to a great baking supply store. 600 cupcake holders. Wowzers!

EmilyG said... [Reply to comment]

I would just like to say that aside from your delicious looking treats, what I find really drew me in was my connection. I, too, work for my local library (a job I recently aquired I like to think because of my long time volunteer work for the children's programs- I'm 16). At the library, we have a woman much like yourself who always brings goodies to eat- and we adore her for this, and many other reasons! :)

The other thing that drew me in this post was the librarian action figure! We have one at our front desk recently too! However, I have a question- does yours look as though she's picking her nose when she's supposed to be Shushing? Ours does... How silly!

Thank you for your blog, it certainly brightened my day during this rainy cloudy evening.

Laura C said... [Reply to comment]

Wow. must have those cupcake liners.


happypillbug at gmail

Kerstin said... [Reply to comment]

The strawberry cupcakes look so good and they're so perfect for spring - yum!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

What a fun post and so many fun giveaways!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Jami, Thanks for stopping by! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. For these pictures I used my new Lowel Ego light set (two lights and a background - Lowel E1-92 Ego Two Light Set). I got it on Amazon. It comes with big construction paper background (when you get it, you'll be like "I could make this" - but you don't have time or the big just buy it! That's my suggestion. :) I'm still trying to figure out the lights, but they helped when I was working late at night or early morning. I don't do much messing around with the photos after taking them. I use Flickr to add the text/fonts. I have been getting a few questions about the photos so I might do a post about my trial and error photo taking. Anyway, hope this helps! Email me if you have other questions! :) - mary the food librarian.

Jasmine said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful! I'm in love with your strawberry cupcakes!

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