Batter Up for the Taco Boat!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Taco Boat
The Taco Boat: A delicious layer of Fritos, chili, lettuce, tomatoes and cheese… seriously excellent Little League food.

CJ's 2008 Baseball Team
"I'm only juicing on OJ and milk..."

CJ's 2008 Baseball Team CJ's 2008 Baseball Team
CJ, my 6-year old nephew and his baseball team, the A’s, had a game this weekend (at 8 am on a Saturday…oh my goodness, why are these games so early???). I turned back the clock and I reverted back to my youth. When my brother (CJ’s dad) played Little League, I spent most of my time at the concession stand. This weekend, it was no different.

My niece got a Cup O’Noodle (always a salt-filled crowd favorite) and I picked up the classic Taco Boat. By the way, if you go to Japan, be sure to visit the Ramen Museum in Yokohama. It’s the most delicious museum around!

Of course, later we went back and got CJ some BBQ sunflower seeds, and a pretzel and ring pop for my younger nephew, Joshua. Go A's!

Taco Boat
Man, I love me them Fritos!
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