At the crack of dawn yesterday, I decided to give scones a try. Never made before, but I now understand why they are called scones. It's because
"butterfat-delivery-device" is too long.
I got the recipe from
Baking Illustrated (page 58). The actual recipe is for
Cream Scones with Currants but, seriously, who has currants in the house at 5 am? I might have some dried up lunch box raisins, but not fancy currants...I opted for the variation: Cranberry-Orange Scones with dried cranberries and orange zest. By the way, I just love the variations at the end of recipes - it is sorta like "choose your own adventure" cooking.
1. You use a food processor to mix. Very quick indeed. After, place in a bowl and mix in 1 cup of cream. 2. Then you knead for a few seconds. I tried really hard to not over-knead the dough. 3. Pop the dough into an ungreased 8-inch cake pan so it comes out round. This is helpful early in the morning. 4. Cut into 8 wedges and placed on a cookie sheet. Brush with cream and sprinkle with a little sugar.
It wasn't until the dough was in the oven that I realized I completely forgot the orange zest. Lately, I've been baking with an abbreviation zeal. From Boston Cream Pie to Boston Pie...and Cranberry Orange Scone to Cranberry Scone. I guess it is all about choosing your own baking adventure!
I don't usually buy scones so I don't have much to compare with...however, I strive to do more research eating in this department! They tasted like a sweet biscuit with dried cranberries. Is that right?
I brought in the scones with some Pam Jam. That I
know was delicious!
I have to say Mary, that the scones "look" delicious. As for the taste, you tell me but as a bona fida English person those scones look like they would pass muster on the Queen's tea table (or at the very least Camilla's but really she has less taste and decorum than the old bat, so that's not saying much)... I digress... You need to visit us and bring some and I'll provide the whipped cream and jam. - Helen
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