1. Raindrops on...nothing (it never rains in Los Angeles)
2. Learning to bake
3. Driving on the 110 carpool lane at dusk and seeing the tops of the palm trees
4. Farmer's Market in Hollywood & Torrance (pupusas, kettle corn, Corn Maiden tamales, mango nectarines from Ken's Produce, watermelon lemonade, Ha's Apple's smiling face, beautiful flowers and rainbow beets)
5. Hollywood Bowl's Sound of Music Sing-a-Long
Finally...after years of missing it and a most unfortunate incident last year, I went to the Sing-a-Long! (Oh, last year was quite a disappointment! It was the musical production of the original R&H edition - we heard Max (Yes, Uncle Max) sing a very unfortunate song with the Baroness (hiss!) As friend said, "There was a reason that song was cut from the movie...")
I stuck large Lipton tea bags and paper cut outs of bread and jam on my hat to become "Tea with Jam and Bread!" (Note that I used my Pam Jam as inspiration for my costume). My friends wore brown paper packages tied up with string.

When you sing Edelweiss, cameras and fake flowers came out in one big, sold-out crowd group exercise (including, of course, the sway you do when singing Edelweiss with the hottie Captain Van Trapp).
After a long week, I also got in some baking retail therapy and went to Surfas in Culver City. This was my first trip to this fun restaurant supply house. I picked up lots of parchment paper, including 8" and 9" rounds for my cakes, 1/2 sheet pans, deluxe timer that displays seconds (helpful when I need to beat something for 30 seconds...), and tart tins. Now all I have to do is bake a bunch of tarts!
Thanks for your kind words about my nephew (little Moonbeam himself--his name is Ryan, he just turned 10 last week!) at the Sound of Music Sing-a-long. This is the third year that he's tried to win (was "Re-a drop of golden sun in 2004, and a Cuckoo Clock in 2005--made the finals each time, but never won). He conceived the idea and design of the Moonbeam costume in 2005 and waited patiently until this year's Sing-a-long to unveil it. Third time's a charm!
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