Monday, June 28, 2010

Goodbye, Cold Friend


The refrig had a sudden attack and died. No warning. No sounds. Just woke up one morning to water on the floor.

This happened last Thursday. Of all the food items I lost, I'm sad about the two cartons of mascarpone cream that I was going to use to make frosting. Oh well, a big trip to Trader Joe's can fix that problem.

Just another reminder to eat your ice cream first.

A new fridge should arrive Wednesday so I'm out for this week's TWD (sorry, Pink Stripes) but hope to fill my fridge with the essentials: butter, cream, buttermilk, milk, butter, cream cheese, butter, and ice cream. Oh yeah, maybe some veggies too. ;)


  1. oh no!!! that's like when my oven EXPLODEd on me. super scary... it made a huge bright blue-white flash like poltergeist-style!!!

  2. Ugghh, sorry to hear that. Same thing happened to me about 6-8 months ago. Of course they can never have the one you want "in stock" so you can take it right home with you!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about the death of your fridge! I wish mine would do the same thing, though, because it's so old, haha. Happy food shopping for your new fridge!

  4. oh no...that is the worst....happy fridge re-filling when the new one arrives!

  5. Sad :( A good reminder to eat ice cream first, though! So that's the silver lining :-P

  6. It's always sad when you lose a large appliance but there is something nice about starting over with a nice, clean refrigerator. Have fun filling it and I can't wait to see your mascarpone frosting!

  7. Oh me oh my... you poor thing. I think losing a frdige is the worse thing that can strike a foodie. hang on in there Mary...the new one will make you HAPPY!

  8. I always tell my wife the ice cream, you never know when the freezer could break!!

  9. So sad! Ours refrigerator did that same thing once and the saddest thing was losing all the breast milk I had stored for when I returned to work. Sorry if that's gross on a food blog . . . but that's what babies eat!

  10. Bummer! Mine did that last year, except that I was in the kitchen when it randomly just stopped working. I love my new one way more though!!

  11. omg sad day!!!! how does that even happen! You can come over and eat my endless supplies of ice cream whenever you want!

  12. Hi, Extremely sorry to hear about your fridge. It happened to me about a year ago and it was really bad so I sympathise with you. But look on the bright side you will be getting a new fridge I am sure!
