Sunday, February 1, 2009

Apple-Cinnamon Bundt Cake (Everyday Food)

Apple-Cinnamon Cake (Everyday Food)
Apple-Cinnamon Bundt Cake from Everyday Food

I love me the Bundt cake. Perfect in shape and easy to serve. Oh, Bundt, I salute you.

Apple-Cinnamon Cake (Everyday Food) Apple-Cinnamon Cake (Everyday Food)
The recipe is from Everyday Food (from the Martha empire). It has six (6) Granny Smith apples...therefore, it's practically health food! (Just ignore the TWO STICKS OF MELTED BUTTER). You don't even need a Kitchen Aid mixer. Rock on.

Apple-Cinnamon Cake (Everyday Food) Apple-Cinnamon Cake (Everyday Food)
This cake is similar to my Mom's Apple Cake but baked in a Bundt pan. My mom's recipe uses veggie oil and this one uses melted butter. I think you could probably exchange things - or even make it healthier with some yogurt or applesauce. But I was too tired to deviate. I just added 1 teaspoon of vanilla because I believe practically everything sweet should contain a bit of vanilla. Things are just happier with vanilla, don't you agree? :)

Apple-Cinnamon Cake (Everyday Food)
This cake is packed full of apples!

Apple-Cinnamon Cake (Everyday Food)
The glaze on top is powdered sugar and water...I think I made mine a bit thin. Next time, I'll use less liquid.

Apple-Cinnamon Cake (Everyday Food)
Apple-Cinnamon Cake...recipe here!

P.S. Volunteering at the public radio station KCRW (89.9 FM in Los Angeles) Pledge Drive this weekend! Be sure to make a pledge if you are a listener and can afford it in these times.


  1. oh my goodness! your baked goods always turn out great!

  2. Mary, I'm loving your bundt cakes! Makes me want to make one, but I can't finish an entire cake!

  3. Wow both of your bundt cakes look divine!!

  4. How does this one compare to your moms? Because that one looked the best!

  5. You DO love the bundts, but they always look so great. You should check out Kiss My Bundt on 3rd and Crescent Heights! Good for you for volunteering this weekend. I am going to see if I can make a (small) donation.

  6. Oh my! I'm trying this as soon as possible! Looks beautiful and divine!!

  7. Holy kamoley, that looks good!!!! Wow!

  8. Yum. And good for you for volunteering at the pledge drive!

  9. Beautiful slice! I am hoping you will Fed Ex it to me. :)

  10. This looks terrific!! I make an apple bread thats similar, but this cake .. oh my goodness.. looks fabulous!!! So pretty. The fruit looks so moist!

  11. Your cakes are always the most beautiful. I love the apple slices coming through - just gorgeous. I'll have to try this - does it work as a coffee cake at all?

  12. This looks delicious!

    Just wondering, have the Every Day food folks cancelled Everyday Baking with John Baricelli? I noticed that it doesn't come on anymore.:(

  13. This looks so pretty with the chunks of apples in it. I bet it tastes really good, too :)

  14. I am loving this cake!! I am glad you added vanilla! It is a MUST!

  15. I LOVE the way it looks sliced open! Very yummy! :)

  16. This looks so good, I love Everyday Food, they have such great recipes.

  17. I love apple cakes, especially the denser kind, this recipe is right up my ally! Thanks!

  18. Pretty! I love the bundt cake too and the perfect waves of the top.

  19. Oh my, how I wish I was having a slice of this ... it's simply oozing with apple slices!

  20. Looks so delicious, especially because of the apple and cinnamon.

  21. That looks fabulous. I love baking bundt cakes.

  22. That looks so good! I like the huge chunks of apple in it!

  23. At first, I thought the recipe was just peanut butter and apples... one of the cake mixes looked like peanut butter for a few seconds!
