Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chocolate Chunkers (Tuesdays with Dorie)

Chocolate Chunkers (Dorie Greenspan recipe)
Chocolate Chunkers

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Claudia of Fool for Food picked Chocolate Chunkers on page 70 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Chocolate Chunkers (Dorie Greenspan recipe)
The cross-section. This is a dense (unsweetened) chocolate, (bittersweet) chocolate, (semi-sweet) chocolate, (cocoa powder) chocolate, (white) chocolate, nut and fruit cookie.

Chocolate Chunkers (Dorie Greenspan recipe) Chocolate Chunkers (Dorie Greenspan recipe)
Chocolate Chunkers (Dorie Greenspan recipe) Chocolate Chunkers (Dorie Greenspan recipe)
I used lotsa chocolate, pecans and golden raisins and dried cranberries. The raisins and cranberries rocked the cookie.

Chocolate Chunkers (Dorie Greenspan recipe) Chocolate Chunkers (Dorie Greenspan recipe)
Lots of bakers mentioned that their cookies, while tasty, looked like, well, something outta the GI track. You know, #2 or as many said, 'turd cookies'.
So I decided to drizzle some melted white chocolate over the top to pretty things up a bit. I made half the recipe and made my cookies small - I got 24 out of half a batch (the full batch makes 24 larger cookies). I think that helped make them petite and less dung looking.

Chocolate Chunkers (Dorie Greenspan recipe)
Check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!

Have a good week everyone! I know my friend Shannon will be having a GREAT week! Her husband, Mike is returning from serving in Iraq! He's heading straight to the doctors to see the ultrasound of his first child! Best wishes and cheer to you, Shannon & Mike (and growing baby girl!!)


  1. what a gorgeous idea, drizzling the white chocolate! wow, that really transformed the look of these cookies. i wish i'd thought of it; i don't like white chocolate so i left it out, but using it the way you did would be great.

  2. Oh, those look fantastic... the white chocolate really ups the "wow factor". Nice work.

    I was surprised at all of the turd comments. The thought never crossed my mind until I saw them on the TWD blog.

  3. I love your combination of mix-ins. I left out the nuts, but pecans would be my first choice if I put some it. I loved the raisins in these, and will probably add more next time.

  4. who knew white chocolate drizzles could make something look less turdy. :) your cookies look very nice. bravo.

  5. woww these look delicious and really nice.
    Well done !!

  6. I love the "innards" picture. Mmmm that white chocolate drizzle looks delicious! Great job!
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  7. Beautiful looking cookies, your photos really do them justice!

  8. yummm, your cookies look great!
    nice and chocolaty, just how this cookie should be.
    great job!

  9. I LOVE the white chocolate idea. And congratulations to your friend - that's a real reason to celebrate.

  10. Beautiful - I love the white chocolate drizzle. It takes them from #2 to elegant quite nicely :)

  11. Drizzled white chocolate. Makes my day. YUMMEEEE!

  12. OMG, if I keep reading this blog, (and wanting and eating all this yummy food) I'm going to turn into a Chocolate Chunker.

  13. The drizzle is beautiful and adds that nice little extra touch of chocolate!

  14. I am so loving the look of your cookies. They do look pretty! That drizzle is tasty. Great job my friend! I omitted the fruits altogether and focused on the chocolate chunks. It was chocolate heaven! :D

  15. Those look absolutely gorgeous with the white glaze for contrast.

  16. OK, you found a way to put lipstick on the pig, so to speak! Those are some stunning cookies. The fruit really did change these to something else (I made them both ways).

  17. That drizzle of white makes all the difference. Turns them into an elegant dessert.

  18. OMG! I think I gained 5 pounds just looking at these cookies...and I'm headed back for more.

    These cookies look incredible...

  19. The drizzle was an excellent idea. Makes them much more "presentable" :)

  20. OK, Miss Smarty Pants...way to show us all up with the white drizzling of chocolate...good idea for me for next time!

  21. haha, the white chocolate drizzle definitely makes them look less turdy ;) nice touch!

  22. Your cookies look great! I love the white chocolate on top!

  23. i think they look great w/the white chocolate drizzle! i think mine were lighter than yours b/c i used semisweet - i rarely use bittersweet chocolate

  24. I love the drizzle of white chocolate on top. Looks very pretty!

  25. Although white chocolate is wrong, it makes your cookies look yummy!
